Transgender Resource Center

TRC has been started in the year 2016 by Ms. Priyababu, who is an active in the field of development of Transgender. TRC acts as a source of documentation about the journey of Transgender since 1990s. They document not only paper information but concentrates mainly on visual medium such as short films, documentary films, They document not only happenings in the local area but pan nation and across global. It acts as a ready reckoner for researchers and students. TRC have qualified 12A , 80 G certificate. Many College students and PhD scholars are benefited by the TRC documentation materials for their theses and Research work.
  • Transgender means someone whose gender differs from the one they were assigned when they were born. Transgender people may identify as male or female or they may feel that none of the label fits them.
  • In order to express their chosen gender, transgender people may have a transition, or change from the gender they were assigned at birth. They may change their names, pronouns or style of dress. Some transgender people also choose a medical transition. That shows their depth of conviction towards their desire to change.
  • The history of Transgender in Indian culture dates back to several BCs. Every celebrated works of Tami literature never fails to mention about Transgender. There are references in various scripts about Transgender and their socialization with the the royal dynasties.
  • Not only in India, even when looking into the World History we come to know that Transgender doesn’t fail to make a majestic impression in the history. One such instance is the invention of paper which is by a Chinese person called Cai Lun (courtesy name Jingzhong) who happens to be a Transgender. Such was the magnificent traces of Transgender in the History.
  • Media plays an important role for transgender visibility. In initial stage media was portraying transgender community not in a good light. Most of the films in those days portrayed transgender either as a sexual object or as a dimwit. As a result of prolonged struggle in creating awareness, the films in the recent years started to portray transgender in a good light and also started to take their concerns and issues on a serious note. Their needs, passions and talents are also being recognized. On that note, actual transgender are approached for performing substantial roles in media.